OSM is the system that we choose to publish details of our Events (ie activities outside of normal Scout meetings) and enables us to invite Members directly and allows them to either accept or decline the invitation.
The default position for Events is that unless they are ‘accepted’ via OSM, then on the closing date they are considered ‘declined’. Unless your Leaders alter the status by agreement attendance will not be possible
You will receive an emails with some details about the event and a link to the OSM Parent Portal where you can accept of decline. This email should contain the essential details of the Event along with any costs (although some Events may have a ‘TBC’ cost). If you click on the link it will take you to the OSM Events area

In the Events area you will find a summary of all upcoming events – click on the one you wish to work with.
You will now be asked whether you wish to accept or decline the invitation. If you wish to change the attendance at a later date (if the organiser has allowed changes) then repeat the process and use the ‘Change Attendance’ button